Greenworks are leading the development forward

Integrating vegetation into both urban and indoor environments, is something that we at Greenworks are passionate about and we strive to do it in an innovative and sustainable ways. We run our own development projects and are committed to making new discoveries within our field of expertise. We run development projects related to green urban environments, usage of green walls for active air purification, renewable materials, ecosystem services, remote control and how vertical gardens can positively impact general well-being.

If you are curious about new developments in the field of living walls in Scandinavia, there are a lot of things happening where we are involved. Things that we are proud of and would be happy to share with you.

Storgatan 1, vertikala växtväggar utomhus

Internationella dagen för biologisk mångfald

För ett år sedan skrev vi ett newsletter med fokus på bin och pollinatörer. Genom att integrera grönska i urbana ...
expo 2020 dubai swedish pavilion terrace outdoor greenery 2021 greenworks 03

Grönskande svensk paviljong i Dubai

Expo 2020 Dubai Världsutställningen i Dubai har slagit upp sina portar i intensiv värme. Greenworks’ landskapsingenjör Jens Öqvist är på ...
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How green do we aim to bee?

Greenworks' goal is to help urban spaces become more healthy and friendly. Through a unique selection of plants we aim ...
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How green do we aim to bee?

Greenworks' goal is to help urban spaces become more healthy and friendly. Through a unique selection of plants we aim ...
Biodiversity, green cities

Biologiskt mångfald – en bisak?

Greenworks mål är att skapa mer hälsosamma urbana miljöer. Genom ett unikt val av växter förbättrar vi inom - och ...
Remedy web

Whatever the size of a room, adding greenery instantly livens up the space.

Indoor flowers and plants address hard parameters like the reduction of noise levels, oxygenation, diffusing of light, and even the ...